Contains:  Solar system body or event
Saturn animation, WinJupos integration, IR and R data - Atmospheric activity registered, Almir Germano

Saturn animation, WinJupos integration, IR and R data - Atmospheric activity registered



Acquisition details



In spite of the variable seeing, IR 685 nm and R data rendered a good wealth of atmospheric features over Saturn´s disc on my last session, on 2015 04 24.

Used a Celestron C11, at f/30, ASI 174MM and Astronomik and Baader filters.

On top, the animations for both channels.

Each frame came from 2 minutes WinJupos derotation, from 6:27 to 6:49 for IR685 and from 6:29 to 6:48 UTC for the Red channel.

Bellow are the WinJupos integration of the entire session, 4 minutes of data for each channel.

Lots os artifacts where the rings crosses over the planet, and over the borders, since the session spanned nearly one hour.

Nonetheless, I think the animation enhances and help spot the spots (...), confirming what is a little doubtfull in the individual images.

For a kind of confirmation, please, take a look at these amazing images from Mr. Tiziano Olivetti, from Thailand, in 2015/04/18, at ALPO Japan:

I think I got the same EZ storm he so skillfully captured. What do you think?



Saturn animation, WinJupos integration, IR and R data - Atmospheric activity registered, Almir Germano